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Our Services

We're a team of creatives who are excited about new ideas and unique mutual opportunities.

Our clients describe us as a product team which creates amazing user experiences, by crafting top-notch user experience.

— Brand Identities
— Brand Strategy 
— Promo Campaigns
— Marketing Strategy

— Advertising Campaigns
— Events
— Public Relations
— Assist me


years of


we care about your


Present the works
at their absolute best.


How do you create a strong brand identity that drives business growth? 
Having a strong brand identity shapes how customers perceive your brand. It can make them choose you over your competitors, tipping the scales in your favor. 
We analyze your ideal customer, unique value proposition, and competitors. You should always know what to say and use the language and visuals that fit your company.
Discover the secrets to simplifying your brand’s marketing strategy by trusting our years of experience.

We offer:
Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Logotype, Typography, Design elements, Company letterheads, Folders, Catalogs


Consultancy is a good solution for anyone looking to expand his business into new markets.
Knowing the economic environment, the experiences of the consumers and their needs, we can offer the best strategy for presenting your product/ service and meeting the set goals.
We have developed an international consulting program „Assist me” aimed at covering as many markets as possible, providing the necessary teams to perform your business, no matter where you are located in the world.
We believe there are no peaks that cannot be climbed as long as the people you entrust the steps have the necessary guts and ambition to be conquerors.

We offer:
Business consulting, HR, Rent a team, Personal online assistant, Legal and accounting consultancies and other


PR is a profession with long history and solid traditions.
PR has contributed to the social development and progress of our modern world.
That is why not only professionals but also the society is interested in the improvement and widespread application of this profession.
Today, not only public figures but businesses also need planned communication in a controlled environment with their audiences.


We offer:
Corporate PR, Sports PR, Image PR, Media planning, Content PR, Crisis PR, Political PR, Institutional PR.


Gathering people is the most powerful weapon for the success of your product/ service.
This is a way to make new contacts and partnerships that build mutual trust and respect.
The easiest decisions are always made in person.
If you plan a personal event, then this is your personal success, for which we will make our proposal.


We offer:
B2B, B2C, conferences, seminars, presentations, exhibitions, cocktails, themed parties, team buildings, weddings.


Marketing is an important part of developing a successful business.
By properly handling its tools, any company may inevitably reach success and revenue growth.
The strategic vision that is being built through the marketing mix will allow you to get to understand your customers, their necessities and needs.
Knowing that, your product/ service will be one step ahead of competitors.


We offer:
Digital Marketing, Offline Marketing, Content Marketing, Email marketing, Social media management, Promotions, researches, Analysis.


The history of advertising can be traced to Ancient Egypt where it played an important role to business and the world economic situation at the time.
Today, it is even truer.
Being aware of the responsibility that your business undertakes, advertising will help you to attract more customers.
What really decides customers to buy or not to buy is the content, not its form, as David Ogilvy said.


We offer:
Online Advertising, Outdoor Advertising, Print Advertising, Advertising Products, Planning of Advertising Campaigns.

They trusted us

Some of the companies that entrusted us with their business:

What our
clients say

Let’s collaborate

Send us an email,
to discuss a new project.

We’re a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas and help companies to create amazing identity by crafting top-notch user experiance.
